Overview of New Year Review, Reset, and Vision
I am so looking forward to spending time with you as we explore the power of reviewing the past year, resetting our mindset and goals, and creating a clear vision for the upcoming year.
This mini-course has been an unfolding evolution over the past 3 years, beginning as a class at my old studio with a booklet to follow along to. The booklet began as 24pages. Last year I upgraded the booklet, adding in more key elements that I had included in my own practice, the booklet went up to 48 pages. And this year I feel its a coming of age of this course, with an online course to follow alongside a 68 page booklet. I feel the course and booklet are an expression of my ever unfolding journey and deepening relationship with the elements and the spirtual world.
Through this journey you will get to reflect on the past year, looking at what has happened from all angles, you get to revel in how much you have grown and you get to choose what it is you are taking forward with you on the next part of your journey. I love reflection, we get to look at our lives and the things that happen in it in a whole new way, but reflection is not something we often do.
As a society that is built on the "hustle", we move from thing to thing, achieving amazing stuff but never taking the time to rest, digest and process. This review process opens the door to some amazing insights if you allow yourself the time to be with it. One of the key messages in this journey is to slow down, move through this mini course at your own pace and allow enough time for integrations.
As we delve into the space of review, we get to look at challenges with new eyes, seeing them as the gateway to a new way of being. Every challenge comes with it an opportunity to grow in some way, we are called to become something more than what we are in order to rise to the challenge. Often we see challenges as set backs, mistakes or missteps....however, there is so much contained within them that we can hold and gain valuable insights into our lives.
Included in this journey is different embodiment practices, that will have you sink into the body (our most amazing guide) over and over again, to inform our answers and next steps forward. We will sit in ceremony with the elements as they support our releases, our wishes, and our next part of our journey.
Additionally, we will explore way to plan a year that brings up into true intentional living, a plan that is thorough and clear and also one that leaves spaciousness for the ebb and flow of life. We will delve into the process of creating a vision that inspires and motivates you, ensuring that your goals are purposeful, realistic, and aligned with your values.
By the end of this journey, you will have a whole new understanding of the New Year Review, Reset, and Vision process. You will have gained insight, healing and clarity. With new eyes, your plan for this year will be an aligned vision for a sacred, fulfilling and soulful year ahead.
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey!
I am so glad you are here.
X Tracy